Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Iron Can Make a Good Baby Growth

Do you know why food products for children and toddlers average fortified with iron? This is because iron is an essential nutrient for the formation of hemoglobin (Hb) in blood.

Iron deficiency or anemia will cause the supply of oxygen to the body and metabolism is less inhibited. Your child will become lethargic, weak, tired, tired, and neglected. That's why there must be iron in the diet of children.

Anemia, will have an impact on physical growth inhibition, low body resistance, and ability to learn the child becomes less. For children aged under five years, anemia can cause IQ (intelligence quotient) it is low.

The need for iron in children vary depending on age. Here are developmentally appropriate needs of your baby:

a. Breastfed babies usually get enough iron from the mother until the age of 4-6 years. However, if the baby is not breastfed, it is advisable to look for infant formula enriched with iron.

b. Infants 7-12 months of age need 11 milligrams of iron each day. Infants younger than 1 year should be given food or milk formula supplemented with iron.

c. Children aged 1-12 years require 7-10 milligrams of iron every day.

d. Male adolescents need 11 milligrams of iron, while teenage girls need 15 milligrams of iron each day. Needs of young children are higher because their bodies are growing very rapidly. In addition, teenage girls need more iron to replace iron lost each month because of menstruation.

e. Athletes who have little regular exercise schedule tend to lose more iron, so they need iron replacement through daily food.
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