Friday, January 14, 2011

Ramjit Raghav - Secrets of "Masculinity" to 94 Year-old Male

What is the secret remain fertile into old age is having sex routine three times every night and eat butter every day? Ramjit Raghav, 94 years old Indian man who became the oldest father in the world, reveals the secret of his manhood!

Raghav have an incomparable happiness after giving his old wife of a healthy 59-year-old boy. The secret of fertility was apparently not independent of its past as a wrestler. He was also known for its model of dieting to maintain the nearly 100 years.

Raghav 3 ½ drink regular shift (approximately 3 liters of milk) and eat ghee (a special kind of butter) is also mixed about 450 grams of almonds per day. In Ayurveda, ghee is trusted for centuries to the quality and quantity of sperm improve. Unfortunately there is no scientific evidence that support for it.

However, you do not have to worry. You can also continue to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of sperm in a different way.
Here are three ways:

Diet and exercise

it is quite clear that these two aspects are important for fertility.
Urology expert Larry Lipshultz, MD, says that there's something to learn from the success of Raghav. Looking at the attitude Raghav thin, older man has a lower body fat percentage.

"Fat tissue may interfere with testosterone production, which slows the production of sperm," says Lipshultz.

Even if a diet rich in fat reference Raghav than men in general, but it sounds a bit like a diet low Karbo. According to research by the University of Connecticut and Duke University, is common when the calories from fat in the diet low in carbohydrates, 70 percent to reach to the weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Stop soaking in hot water

Long soak in hot water can disrupt the testes to produce sperm because the organs this one has a cooler temperature than the body of another man. Lipshultz asserted, all the things that trigger the heat can cause problems, but soaking in a hot tub into a special warning because of the direct implications on the temperature of the testes.

According to Research, the water hot soak 1 to 5 hours per week can reduce sperm count. But the good news: this reduction is not permanent. Of course, if you want to a pregnant woman, a hot water bath should be avoided.

Reduction of soybean

Many studies suggest soy is huge, but in recent years was undoubtedly at least a special declaration for Adam. In 2008, research experts at Harvard University shows a correlation between the consumption of soy with reduced sperm counts.
It is about 32 percent fewer sperm per milliliter in the men who eat soy every day than those who did not eat. In addition, soybean also thought about the first cases of erectile disturbances.

That is Ramjit Raghav - Secrets of "Masculinity" to 94 Year-old Male.

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