Monday, May 24, 2010

It's not the Time to Open up facebook !

It is not the time to open up for Facebook! Since the existence of social networks in cyberspace, especially Facebook, many people got into the habit of opening the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Yahoo Messenger! and the other at night.

And without realizing it, time indicates the middle of the night and drowsiness was yet to come. This is because there are too preoccupied or other causes, namely the light emitted by computer screens are very bright.

A scientist named Figueiro said that the rays emitted by computer screens is similar to sunlight. This can lead to production of the hormone melatonin is weaker and the brain awake again. Then you do not want to sleep and finally "succeeded" woke up late.

Therefore, rather than drowning in the social networking site, better look for other activities before bed, like a diary or activities that are not in contact with a computer screen. If forced to open the computer screen at night, in addition to often take his eyes from the screen (not constantly staring at a computer screen), turn off the computer an hour before bedtime so that the brain has enough time to calm down and trigger the production of the hormone melatonin as a cause drowsiness .

So, wise and arrange for an appropriate moment to open Facebook in the evenings.

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